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Cook With Us

We've put together a selection of recipes to give you a break from coming up with meal ideas, as well including cooking instructions for some of our frozen goods.

Our recipes use the freshest, quality ingredients which you can buy direct from our Farm Shop or online, where available.

Quick Cod

Ready in: 30 mins

Serves: 2

This Italian style cod served in a delicious white wine and tomato sauce, provides a light healthy dinner for any day of the week.

Breaded Plaice

Ready in: 15 mins

Serves: 2

This quick and easy delicious dish provides a healthy alternative to the classic deep fried fish and chips to be enjoyed by everyone in the family.

Masala Haddock

Ready in: 20 mins

Serves: 4

Make this easy fish masala with our step-by-step guide using fresh haddock.

Best served with boiled rice or Naan.

Cheese & Onion Pasty

Cooking from: frozen

Handmade by the Production team with locally-sourced vegetables, wrapped in a buttery rough pastry.

Cornish Pasty

Cooking from: frozen

Handmade by the Production team using our own reared Red Ruby beef and locally-sourced vegetables.

Tin Miner's Pasty

Cooking from: frozen

Handmade by the Production team, this is a half steak, half apple pasty based on Cornish wives tales.

Sausage Roll

Cooking from: frozen

Handmade by the Production team using seasoned Cornish sausage meat and puff pastry.

Christmas Pudding

Cooking from: chilled

Handmade by the Production team, a perfect seasonal star available bite-sized and sharing size.



Remove packaging, place pudding on a microwaveable plate and microwave for:
Small – 1 min
Large – 2 ½ mins

Check food is piping hot before removing from microwave. If not, continue microwaving.


Remove packing, place pudding into china/non-plastic bowl. Wrap the top of the bowl with a sheet of tin foil, and secure with string.
Place bowl in a steamer with boiling water. Steam/simmer for 1 hour. Top up with boiling water as necessary. Do not allow to boil dry.

This is a guide only.

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